星期一, 一月 30, 2012


“男人没有你想象的那样好,可以真爱,但不要深爱..在爱情里为自己留个退路,否则受伤时 会措手不及”
曾经,我也这样告诉自己,也以为自己能够做到。 可是到最后才发现原来我失败了,虽然那时真的很伤,但是我没措手不及。 所以,接下来我就告诉我自己,要爱就狠狠地爱吧!到受伤时才算吧!=)

星期三, 一月 18, 2012

It's True

Copy from fb
It's quite true. When I over thinking, then I will silent, and then keep on thinking thinking and thinking finally crying inside...

星期五, 一月 13, 2012


Things have changes(may be is I think too much)...
There is nothing different for me to staying in my home or 'home'...
If let me choose, I prefer stay in UPM.

星期三, 一月 11, 2012

What is Dating??!!

Dating is something done by only two people, not a group of people, that's called gathering...
And I always silent in the gathering... Boring =(